Locanda La Gelsomina | Boutique Hotel in Malta | Luxury & Wellness

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Discovering the secrets of Maltese honey

Malta was once known by the Greeks and Romans as the isle of Melite, which derives from the Greek word meli, meaning honey. In fact, beekeeping has a long history here, and a variety of rare sub-species of honey bees are native to this sunny Mediterranean isle.

Maltese honey was - and still is - considered a culinary delicacy, and traces of its historic roots may be found dotted across the isle in the remains of some of the oldest apiaries in the world that date back to Punic times.

Today, a handful of expert local beekeepers continue this age-old tradition, and none are more in-the-know than beekeepers Denise Farrugia and Ray Sciberras. Having nurtured a passion for beekeeping across decades, today, Denise and Ray manage over 150 individual hives dotted across all four corners of Malta with dedication and grounded pride.

Their honey is loved and appreciated by everyone from Presidents to Michelin-starred chefs from across the world. As they take you into hidden gardens and lesser-known corners of Malta where their hives are located, they will share the facts and history behind the complex honey-collecting process, explaining how it takes almost 30,000 bees up to 3 months to produce a single jar of honey. 

Their hives are patiently maintained with care as they ensure the bees are offered the best possible natural conditions within which to create their magic.

Offering an incredible glimpse into the natural process that creates the isle's prized golden bounty, a morning spent with Ray and Denise is nothing short of an incredible experience.

Offered as part of Locanda La Gelsomina's bespoke gastronomical private tour, step off the tourist track and drop us an email at info@locandalagelsomina.com to discover more.